Thursday, January 18, 2007

Whose Life is this Anyway?

Although I don't suggest throwing away your clocks completely, may be we should all realize that being responsible comes from the conviction within your yourself as to what is relevant. If its not a priority to you, then forget it. Who cares if someone thinks that is what should be important in your life. Its not going to work if you don't want it to. All that will do is create more problems for yourself. I hope someone will learn from this and take it to heart because I had to learn the hard way. And IT REALLY HARD. Take up for yourself and step on others people's toes if you have to. They will forgive you later. Being too nice shows ignorance and no one respects a fool.
If you haven't checked this out, go for it! You are missing out on hours of entertainment!

1 comment:

Brendon said...

Hey i'd like to thank you for your comment. I took american lit so i got my lits wrapped up, but i appreciate the recommendation. I was raised in the church and got out too. I'd like to do everything i could to show people that most of peoples beliefs might be based on pseodoscience and misconceptions. Well anyway id quit ramblin. Have a great day! You listen to tool? what you said reminds me of a song they have.