Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Bla, Bla, Blog

I can't believe it's already February. I'm glad I got the opportunity to learn about blogging and actually participate in this. I can see blogging to be useful in the classroom. It would be a great tool to recieve feedback from students and parents. Being in a classroom all the time can be isolating as well. A blog is a great way to share teaching techniques and experiences.For a blog to be negative, drama and gossip queens might slander authority ; children could be immature on their choice of subjects. I checked out some other blogs and found out a lot of people love to run their yapper about all kinds of personal things. To use a blog when more communication is needed in institutions,such as schools, is a great thing. I believe it is the future. All I'm saying is ...I don't want to know about some girls' designer dog that poops on the floor and she's too wuss to clean it up.

1 comment:

Laura Eubanks said...

Is that your dog? or just a picture off the internet!? b/c he's REALLY cute!