Monday, March 26, 2007

Its cold then Its hot...think I'm on fire but I'm not

Don't go to the beach when its cold. You will get sick. I caught two red fish and a sheephead though. i guess that made it worth it. Kinda... I was sick for the last half of my vacation and a week of school. Guess it wasn't worth it. There is plenty more fishing to be done before the season is over. When I have the ache to fish, it doesn't matter what temp it is outside. I got to go. Yeah its weird, I know. So I guess I caught fish fever. A fever that slammed me into a hellish delirium for a week. Anyways, as much as I love animals, you would think that I would not enjoy such a primitive sport. When I reel the fish in, I feel bad it has a hook jammed through its lip. I talk sweet and wait til it calms down before I gently and swifting pull the hook free. (I cant stand when a catfish swallows the hook. That kills me.) Then I take them to the water and hold them as I slowly flow the water back over their gills. When I set them free, they just swim away in a calm manner. Some won't forget to let me know they are ticked off by the whole situation with a swish of the tail. But to me it seems they are just happy to be back home with another chance at life. I'm not a psychologist so call Freud if you want a deeper theme or global connection. There is something there that I can't see either. Maybe that is why I enjoy it or maybe I was instilled with a passion when I was young. I don't know. Well, hope everyone had a great spring break!

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