Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I just want everyone to know that you must be going at least close to the speed limt when you merge onto the interstate. um...that would be at least 50mph. I came to a complete stop on the way to school today when I should have been going 65. I'm not really a big fan of road rage, but I had a few choice words for that freak. Ok, I'm done for today. Good Luck to all on your presentations!!


Brendon said...

People drive me crazy with some of their driving techniques, especially interstate driving. Some people just don't pay attention and others are just idiot drivers. Well anyway, I ve never been able to see TOOL live but i have heard rumors of makeup concert in Texas sometime this year. Adam Jones has had big role my becoming a giutar player, and I can't forgot Maynard, even though he usually doesn't plat giutar. What a genius. I still get goosebumps when i hear TOOL songs ive heard millions of times!

Megan Meeks said...

Yes, you are totally correct! However, make sure not to go too fast or you could run off the interstate and end up in a ditch infront of the GMO building, tearing down a fence and submerging your car in water like I did. :)
P.s. good presentation! my mother has me convinced there are ghost! Mad props for actually gettin up there and talking about it!

Amber Ivey said...

Ok so I totally know what you are talking about when people DONT know how to drive! I was a delivery driver for the Chevy dealer in MS and I would come in from EVERY drive gripping about idiot drivers.