Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Check this...The Afterlife

I had an interesting discussion with a friend tonight. What really happens when you die? Everyone is destined to the same fate that no one knows anything about. Why don't we know? With as much technology we have, how come there isn't any research toward a question that, Universally, humans want to know. What happens when our bodies shut down? Is there a soul? This dabbles in the ancient battle of Science vs. Church. Maybe the government is scared that what we would find out from research may undermine the Church. Religion is so important to the stability of mankind that we should never risk destroying the Faith. BUT... that raises another question. Out of all the religions, who is right? Is is Ok for a Southern Baptist to say that a Muslim is going to Hell? I don't think so. I hope no one truly believes that their religion is exclusively correct. Personally, I don't really know what will happen to me when I die. But it is fun to speculate on possibilities.
What if...
Reincarnation was true?!
Have you ever noticed how some people just look like an animal? I know my old manager was a giraffe. I'm sure you can recall an example. Just for fun, go to the mall and take a look at all the people walking by. Its quite fun. Anyway, so maybe how you live your life depends on your fate. An overall good life will land you a seat as a human again. Eventually, you will screw up as a human and when you die, you will be placed in Kingdom Animalia based on your actions. The cycle may continue as an animal. If you have good nature, you could upgrade your animal status(maybe further up the food chain or a larger brain) or make it back to the human world. This would explain these people that look so uncannily like an animal. It could also explain why people have a great love and affinity for certain animals. Ever seen a dude that has 50 lizards that he adores and he even looks like a lizard? Maybe he is fresh out of the animal life cycles as a lizard. Its kinda weird to think about but I thought the picture would prove my point well. Everyone should know your own mortality. It is the essence of life. No one would enjoy life if they thought that it never ended. You will hopefully grow to an age when you are tired of life. Death will then be a friend offering a bit of rest to an old soul.

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