Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hello Everybody!

I have a new job. I went last Monday and applied at Tuesday Morning. My first day was yesterday. I had a lot of fun. They have great stuff for your house and gifts too. I love being able to shop while I'm at work. I have generally been in a bad mood because I got sick..again. I have practically had a cold since Spring Break. My doc says my immune system should be iron clad after I recover from this last one. I hope so. I would break my pinky finger right now if I knew it would take this runny nose away. Hint for anyone going into schools : Take a bottle of Germ-X with you. All the kids are so sweet. They want to hug you and love all over you....and make you SICK. But I am happy I got another job because I needed a summer position and Subs only get paid once a month. I have been broke going on two months now. Thank God for my boyfriend. $$$$$ comes in a week.

1 comment:

LaVera said...

I need to go and check the things out that are in Tuesday Morning. I always get sale papers from there but I never stopped by...It seems to have nice things there. I'll have to check it out.